How to Register for STEPP Enrichment Daycare
What is STEPP Daycare?
STEPP stands for Socialization, Training, Enrichment, & Play Program. STEPP is not just daycare, but a customized day of enrichment for dogs of all life-stages. STEPP provides custom social outlet sessions with other pups match by temperament, and includes ample enrichment activities for decompression, and opportunities for learning. Our staff can customize social outlets and enrichment based on each dog’s energy level, social tolerance, age, and other preferences.
STEPP Enrichment Daycare is led by certified dog trainers and behavior specialists and always follows fear-free, science-based methodology across all our services.
Typical STEPP Schedule
7am – 12pm: Social Outlet Sessions with Appropriate Decompression Opportunities
10am – 1pm: Exploration Walks; Independent Enrichment Activities
12pm – 1pm: Lunch (optional)
12pm – 4pm: Brain Games; One-on-One Play Opportunities
2pm – 5pm: Exploration Walks; Independent Enrichment Activities
2pm – 7pm: Social Outlet Sessions with Appropriate Decompression Opportunities
STEPP is for all ages! Every visit is customizable to any life-stage, energy level, and temperament. If your puppy is under six months old, they may be eligible for our Enrichment Daycare for Puppies.
All dogs participating in STEPP must be comfortable being isolated to a suite. All our suites have a dog bed and are appropriately sized for your dog. If your dog has separation anxiety concerns, please reach out via email to prior to registering for STEPP.
Dogs participating in STEPP are not required to be altered. However, please keep your dog home if they are in heat. Unaltered participants may be restricted from interacting with some dogs (i.e. intact males and unaltered females will be kept separate).
At The Board Hound, our daycare was established to enrich the lives of the dogs in our community through healthy outlets for play and socialization. Our smaller play groups come with individual care and attention, while providing a low-stress, safe, daycare environment at our location in Alexandria, Virginia. Since safety is our first priority, we start with providing a high staff to dog ratio of about 1 to 10. This personalization ensures that your dog is always closely monitored.