Enrichment Daycare Pricing
Review our Enrichment Daycare Pricing & Options below.
Drop-Off Daycare Evaluation + Trail Day: FREE
STEPP Enrichment Daycare for All Dogs
STEPP Daycare is enrichment daycare for dogs of all ages.
What’s included? Social outlets, exploration walks, rest time, independent enrichment, brain games, training activities, and more! Please visit the STEPP information page for more details. Your dog’s specific schedule and activities will depend on your dog’s individual needs.
STEPP Enrichment Daycare: $105
Enrichment Daycare for Puppies
Puppy Daycare provides puppy-specific enrichment and socialization for puppies up to one-year old.
Whats included? Socialization with appropriately matched dogs and puppies, outdoor exploration walks for decompression and socialization, rest time to prevent overexertion, and independent enrichment to encourage stress-free down time. Your puppy’s specific schedule and activities will depend on your puppy’s individual needs.
Enrichment Daycare for Puppies: $85
Please Note: STEPP Daycare will be required for any dog that needs additional decompression and/or arousal modulation.
Puppy Daycare prioritizes socialization activities, social outlet sessions, and rest time. If you wish for your pup to participate in brain games and other training activities, please register for STEPP Enrichment Daycare instead.
Bath & Nail Trimming: Add-On Services for Daycare & Boarding
Add a Bath to any visit: $60
Add a Nail Trim to any visit: $20
At The Board Hound, our daycare was established to enrich the lives of the dogs in our community through healthy outlets for play and socialization. Our smaller play groups come with individual care and attention, while providing a low-stress, safe, daycare environment at our location in Alexandria, Virginia. Since safety is our first priority, we start with providing a high staff to dog ratio of about 1 to 10. This personalization ensures that your dog is always closely monitored.